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Sole Education Fall 2019: Life in the Trades

By Saf-Gard

Sole Education Fall 2019: Life in the Trades

When it comes to goals and life in the trades post-program completion, everyone has a different goal and plan, read on to see what our students are planning to do, and gain some inspiration for your own future plans!

Michael: The more things change, the more they stay the same...

Today, there are more career opportunities available within the Trades then I have ever experienced in my life

Sole Education - Michael Bilotti

time and, in my opinion, the demand for skilled, licensed trades professionals continues to grow. Think about it clean water and the safe disposal of waste have been fundamental needs since the beginning of time. Heres what I find motivatingHave heard the phrase, the more things change the more they stay the same? Heres the twist. The more reliant we become on technology as a means within our everyday lives the more technology becomes integrated within the Trades. BUT, our fundamental needs do not change. Therefore, the plumbers of today not only have to know how to use a tubing cutter, Press Tool, basin wrench and how to solder copper joints we have to understand the SMART technology built into water heaters, tankless boilers, WiFi-enabled circulator pumps, and thermostats all of which are designed to support End-user-driven Go Green initiatives.Educated consumers are engaged today, more than ever. They desire on-demand hot water, conditioned living spaces capable of learning daily needs for temperature changes and one-touch, filtered drinking water, purer than a natural Spring. These demands have multiplied various job opportunities for SMART plumbers, those willing, and able, to combine the tools of the trade with the tools of technology. What an incredible time a wrench in one hand and a SMART tablet in the other! So motivating! So much fun at work!


Riley: I plan to return to the same company that I interned with as a service tech!

Sole Education - Michael Bilotti

When I first came to DMACC, I knew nothing about HVAC or any of the jobs it had to offer, so I really didn't have a plan coming into this industry. As I've been in the program and had an internship I have found that I enjoy the servicing and installing HVAC 

units. I really enjoyed working for the company I had my internship with, and plan to return to the same company as a service tech.The DMACC HVAC program prepares you for any job in the HVAC industry. They have a great program with great teachers and have the ability and resources to teach you about anything you could possibly think of seeing in the industry. I think that DMACC has an amazing program that allows you to gain the knowledge that you need to succeed in this industry. Overall, I've been very pleased with the time that I have spent at DMACC.Follow along with our students' progress here. Learn more about the Generation T movement here.



Categories: Sole Education 2019  |  Authored by: Saf-Gard  |  Posted: 12/12/2019